Hatfield Blonde Ale
Hatfield Blonde AleIn 1912, a man by the name of Charles Hatfield was hired by the Medicine Hat United Agricultural Association to be a “rain-making” wizard. He built a 20-foot tower by a lake just 20 miles northeast of Medicine hat, and he poured secret ingredients, like a witch’s brew, into the tower. People waited anxiously to see if distant clouds would be drawn into the area, and three days later the rain began to fall. The farmers were no longer apprehensive of Hatfield’s skills; he was definitely a rain-maker. The Hatfield Blonde Ale is in honour of a man who showed this prairie town that sometimes you need to have faith that something will turn out better than you could have dreamt—and that’s our Hatfield Blonde Ale.
The Hatfield is a North American style blonde ale designed to introduce the light lager drinker to the world of ales. Lightly hopped, this blonde has a hint of sweetness due to the use of malted wheat, as sweet as the sight of rain on a hot, dry summer’s day.
- Alcohol: 4.6%
- Available Formats: 355 mL Can Keg On Tap
Bitterness: 16 IBU